Clinical experience with the prevention of Rh-isoimmunization: a historical comparative analysis.

PubMed ID: 6202159

Author(s): Keith L, Danis RP, Berger GS. Clinical experience with the prevention of Rh-isoimmunization: a historical comparative analysis. Am J Reprod Immunol. 1984 Mar;5(2):84-9.

Journal: American Journal Of Reproductive Immunology : Ajri : Official Journal Of The American Society For The Immunology Of Reproduction And The International Coordination Committee For Immunology Of Reproduction, Volume 5, Issue 2, Mar 1984

Clinical experience with prevention of Rh-immunization is reviewed. The pathogenesis of hemolytic disease and the chemistry of prophylaxis is explained. The factors which effect antigenic expression are delineated. The clinical indications for prevention of AMIS are reviewed. International data pertaining to Rhesonativ are presented from postpartum trials and antepartum trials. A protocol for antepartum administration of anti-Rh immunoglobulin is given.