Retinal and optic nerve degeneration in cattle after accidental acrylamide intoxication.

PubMed ID: 11397309

Author(s): Godin AC, Dubielzig RR, Giuliano E, Ekesten B. Retinal and optic nerve degeneration in cattle after accidental acrylamide intoxication. Vet Ophthalmol. 2000;3(4):235-239. PMID 11397309

Journal: Veterinary Ophthalmology, Volume 3, Issue 4, 2000

A herd of cattle was accidentally exposed to monomeric acrylamide and N-methylolacrylamide. Seven cattle underwent repeated examinations during 6-8 months after exposure. Abnormal pupillary light reflexes (PLR) were observed in one cow. Ophthalmoscopic examination showed progressive retinal degeneration and degenerative changes in the optic nerve heads in this cow. Light and electron microscopic examination revealed pathological changes in the retinae and optic nerves consistent with chronic stages of acrylamide toxicity. Ophthalmic examination and light microscopy did not reveal abnormalities in the retinae or optic nerves in either the rest of the cattle from the herd or in offspring of exposed cattle.