Corneal ectasia associated with massage of dacryocystoceles.

PubMed ID: 11973394

Author(s): Lucarelli MJ, DeBry P. Corneal ectasia associated with massage of dacryocystoceles. Cornea. 2002 May;21(4):419-20. PMID 11973394

Journal: Cornea, Volume 21, Issue 4, May 2002

PURPOSE To report a patient with corneal ectasia and bilateral dacryocystoceles.

METHODS Case report, review of medical literature.

RESULTS The patient experienced gradual bilateral worsening of visual acuity caused by increasing corneal ectasia. Vigorous and frequent massaging of the lacrimal sacs and globes preceded development of symptomatic corneal ectasia.

CONCLUSIONS The timing of the development of this patient’s corneal ectasia suggests an association between the dacryocystoceles massage and the ectasia.