The comparability of estimates of retroilluminated lens opacities as judged from film-based and digital imaging.

PubMed ID: 15488807

Author(s): Klein BE, Klein R, Hall ER, Lee KE, Jensen K. The comparability of estimates of retroilluminated lens opacities as judged from film-based and digital imaging. Am J Ophthalmol. 2004 Oct;138(4):668-70. PMID 15488807

Journal: American Journal Of Ophthalmology, Volume 138, Issue 4, Oct 2004

PURPOSE Neitz film-based retroillumination cameras, the standard for documenting retroilluminated lens opacities for epidemiologic studies, are no longer produced. A digital imaging system is now available for imaging these opacities. We sought to compare gradings of images from both systems.

DESIGN Comparison of technique.

METHODS One hundred fourteen lenses were imaged with both systems and graded according to protocols. Concordance between the methods was compared using kappa statistics.

RESULTS There was moderate concordance for cortical opacities (kappa = 0.63) and good concordance for posterior subcapsular opacities (kappa = 0.83). Grades from digital images slightly underestimated the frequency and severity of cortical cataract.

CONCLUSION Digital imaging of retroilluminated lens opacities results in similar classification of the severity of opacities. It will be useful for epidemiologic studies of cortical (CC) and posterior subcapsular cataracts (PSC).