Bilateral maxillary periodontal ligament hamartoma in a dog.

PubMed ID: 16149387

Author(s): Taney KG, Dubielzig RR, Trotter TS, Smith MM. Bilateral maxillary periodontal ligament hamartoma in a dog. J Vet Dent. 2005 Jun;22(2):91-5. PMID 16149387

Journal: Journal Of Veterinary Dentistry, Volume 22, Issue 2, Jun 2005

A 12.5-year-old dog was presented for severe periodontal disease and bilateral maxillary enlargement. Radiographs of the maxilla showedgeneralized root resorption, ankylosis, and rarefaction of bone with focal radiodense areas. Surgical tooth extraction of multiple maxillary teeth and bilateral incisional biopsies of the periodontal tissue and maxilla in the region of the maxillary fourth premolars were performed. Histopathologic examination showed features typical of fully differentiated periodontal ligament with abundant cementum/alveolar lining bone and sparce odontogenic epithelial cell rests. Histopathology in conjunction with radiographic and clinical signs suggested a diagnosis of bilateral periodontal ligament hamartoma. Examination 3-months postoperatively indicated uncomplicated healing of the extraction and biopsy sites with no resolution of the maxillary enlargement.