Neuroprotection: extrapolating from neurologic diseases to the eye.

PubMed ID: 19464671

Author(s): Danesh-Meyer HV, Levin LA. Neuroprotection: extrapolating from neurologic diseases to the eye. Am J Ophthalmol. 2009 Aug;148(2):186-191.e2. doi: 10.1016/j.ajo.2009.03.029. Epub 2009 May 23. Review. PMID 19464671

Journal: American Journal Of Ophthalmology, Volume 148, Issue 2, Aug 2009

PURPOSE To review the current status of neuroprotection in ophthalmic disease.

DESIGN Perspective.

METHODS Published and unpublished data on neuroprotection in neurologic and ophthalmologic diseases were reviewed and interpreted.

RESULTS Almost all clinical studies of neuroprotection in neurologic and ophthalmologic disease so far have failed to show efficacy, despite encouraging preclinical studies.

CONCLUSIONS Achievement of consensus on how to design and execute translational research in neuroprotection in ophthalmic disease would optimize the use of resources and would hasten the development and approval of effective neuroprotective agents.