Imaging the photoreceptor mosaic with adaptive optics: beyond counting cones.

PubMed ID: 22183364

Author(s): Godara P, Wagner-Schuman M, Rha J, Connor TB Jr, Stepien KE, Carroll J. Imaging the photoreceptor mosaic with adaptive optics: beyond counting cones. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2012;723:451-8. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4614-0631-0_57. PMID 22183364

Journal: Advances In Experimental Medicine And Biology, Volume 723, 2012

Recent years have seen an explosion in the development of novel ophthalmic imaging devices, delivering non-invasive views of the living retina. Adaptive optics (AO) imaging systems enable resolution of individual cells in the living retina. Analysis of these images has been limited to measures of cone density and regularity. Here we introduce a small case series where the information in the high-resolution image extends beyond these standard metrics. These images should serve as the basis for evolving discussion as to how best to interpret AO retinal images.