PubMed ID: 22395886
Author(s): Schallek JB, McLellan GJ, Viswanathan S, Ts’o DY. Retinal intrinsic optical signals in a cat model of primary congenital glaucoma. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2012 Apr 18;53(4):1971-81. doi: 10.1167/iovs.11-8299. PMID 22395886
Journal: Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, Volume 53, Issue 4, Apr 2012
PURPOSE To examine the impact of reduced inner retinal function and breed on intrinsic optical signals in cats.
METHODS Retinal intrinsic optical signals were recorded from anesthetized cats with a modified fundus camera. Near infrared light (NIR, 700-900 nm) was used to illuminate the retina while a charge-coupled device (CCD) camera captured the NIR reflectance of the retina. Visible stimuli (540 nm) evoked patterned changes in NIR retinal reflectance. NIR intrinsic signals were compared across three subject groups: two Siamese cats with primary congenital glaucoma (PCG), a control Siamese cat without glaucoma, and a control group of seven normally pigmented cats. Intraocular pressure (IOP), pattern electroretinogram, and optical coherence tomography measurements were evaluated to confirm the inner retinal deficit in PCG cats.
RESULTS Stimulus-evoked, NIR retinal reflectance signals were observed in PCG cats despite severe degeneration of the nerve fiber layer and inner retinal function. The time course, spectral dependence, and spatial profile of signals imaged in PCG cats were similar to signals measured from normal and Siamese control cats.
CONCLUSIONS Despite increased IOP, reduced nerve fiber layer thickness and ganglion cell function, intrinsic optical signals persist in cats affected with PCG. The mechanisms giving rise to intrinsic signals remain despite inner retinal damage. Signal strength was reduced in all Siamese cats compared to controls, suggesting that reduced intrinsic signals in PCG cats represent a difference between breeds rather than loss of ganglion cells. These results corroborated previous findings that retinal ganglion cells are not the dominant source of intrinsic optical signals of the retina.