Removal of white mineral trioxide aggregate cement: a promising approach.

PubMed ID: 24089680

Author(s): Saghiri MA, Garcia-Godoy F, Gutmann JL, Sheibani N, Asatourian A, Lotfi M, Elyasi M. Removal of white mineral trioxide aggregate cement: a promising approach. Biomed Res Int. 2013;2013:469164. doi: 10.1155/2013/469164. Epub 2013 Sep 8. PMID 24089680

Journal: Bio Med Research International, Volume 2013, 2013

Removal of MTA from dentin by applying 37% hydrochloric acid (HCl) to reduce microhardness and push-out bond strength. Forty dentin slices were filled with WMTA and divided into two groups (n = 20). Ten slices remained untreated while others were exposed to either HCl or phosphate buffer saline (PBS) and all samples were subjected to pushout test. The mode of bond failures was determined by SEM analysis. Later, twenty glass tubes were filled with WMTA and divided into two groups (n = 10). One side of tube was exposed to HCl or PBS while the other side remained untreated and the microhardness was analyzed by testing machine. HCl showed significantly lower pushout strength and microhardness values (P = 0.0001), (P = 0.0001). HCl treated samples showed mixed bond failures dominantly, while PBS samples mostly showed adhesive failures. The results of this study can suggest the 37% HCl as an effective solution to aid the removal of MTA from the dentin surfaces.