Optical coherence tomography imaging of chorioretinal folds associated with hypotony maculopathy following pars plana vitrectomy.

PubMed ID: 26425108

Author(s): Williams BK Jr, Chang JS, Flynn HW Jr. Optical coherence tomography imaging of chorioretinal folds associated with hypotony maculopathy following pars plana vitrectomy. Int Med Case Rep J. 2015 Sep 18;8:199-203. doi: 10.2147/IMCRJ.S86143. eCollection 2015. PMID 26425108

Journal: International Medical Case Reports Journal, Volume 8, 2015

Chorioretinal folds may occur as a consequence of hypotony and can be a cause of vision loss when associated with macular involvement. In this report, the spectral domain ocular coherence tomography imaging of three patients with chorioretinal folds before and after management are presented. The cases had unique presentations and each underwent different management approaches, but the results included improved visual acuities and lessened chorioretinal folds.