PubMed ID: 28090609
Author(s): Peng J, Zhang H, Zheng Q, Clemons CM, Sabo RC, Gong S, Ma Z, Turng LS. A composite generator film impregnated with cellulose nanocrystals for enhanced triboelectric performance. Nanoscale. 2017 Jan 26;9(4):1428-1433. doi: 10.1039/c6nr07602e. PMID 28090609
Journal: Nanoscale, Volume 9, Issue 4, Jan 2017
A novel polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS)/cellulose nanocrystal flake (CNCF) composite triboelectric nanogenerator (CTG) using CNCFs as effective dielectrics exhibited a 10-times-enhanced triboelectric performance compared with its pure PDMS counterpart. Positive charges generated on the surface of the CNCFs during cyclic compression boosted electron transfer and induced extra charges. The CTG exhibited an instantaneous output power (density) of 1.65 mW (0.76 mW cm-2) under continuous operation.