PubMed ID: 38635668
Author(s): Croft MA, Mcdonald JP, Kiland J, Mattison JA, Roth GS, Ingram D, Kaufman PL. Sex as a risk factor regarding presbyopia in the rhesus monkey. PLoS One. 2024 Apr 18;19(4):e0300476. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0300476. eCollection 2024. PMID 38635668
Journal: Plo S One, Volume 19, Issue 4, 2024
PURPOSE To determine the effect of sex as a risk factor regarding presbyopia.
METHODS Maximum accommodation was pharmacologically induced (40% cabachol corneal iontophoresis) in 97 rhesus monkeys (49 males and 48 females) ranging in age from 8 to 36 years old. Accommodation was measured by Hartinger coincidence refractometry.
RESULTS Accommodative amplitude measured refractometrically decreased with age, and the rate of change was not different between males and females (p = 0.827).
CONCLUSIONS Presbyopia is essentially sex neutral, and no one is spared. There may be modest variations between different populations for various reasons, but essentially it is monotonously predictable. At present there is no biological therapeutic.
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