The FDA has approved a groundbreaking stem cell clinical trial for retinitis pigmentosa. The trial is the next step in the work spearheaded by world-renowned vision researcher David Gamm, MD, PhD.
David Gamm
Coming Full Circle: Former Ophthalmology Patient Works in the Operating Room, Alongside the Doctor Who Treated Her
Fifteen years after her first strabismus surgery, Veronica Witt still finds herself in the UW Health eye clinic every week. But these days, it’s for a much different reason. The 40-year-old year old from Appleton, …
UW Researchers Will Develop Gene Editing Therapy to Treat Blindness
A new study by UW researchers will test gene editing therapy to treat blindness. The collaborative project involves a team of ophthalmology researchers and biomedical engineers.
Lab-Grown Retinal Eye Cells Open Door For Clinical Trials to Treat Blindness
Retinal cells grown from stem cells can reach out and connect with neighbors, according to a new study, completing a “handshake” that may show the cells are ready for trials in humans with degenerative eye disorders.
Teaming Up for Gene Therapy
*This article originally appeared in the McPherson Eye Research Institute Summer 2021 InSights Newsletter Millions of Americans currently battle inherited visual disorders, armed with very few therapeutic options. Recent advances in genome editing, which many believe …
David Gamm, MD, PhD, Inducted into Medical and Biological Engineering Elite
The American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE) has announced the election of David Gamm, MD, PhD, professor, Retina Research Foundation Emmett A. Humble Distinguished Director of the McPherson Eye Research Institute, and Sandra …
DOVS Researchers Develop New Therapies for Retinal Disorders
Using a nucleic acid-based therapy to target genetic mutations, eye researchers at the University of Wisconsin–Madison and University of Iowa will develop and test a new therapy for restoring vision in children and adults with …