Celebrate Glaucoma Awareness Month with an Eye Exam

More than 80 million people worldwide, including 3 million Americans, have glaucoma, making it a leading cause of irreversible blindness. Because there are often no early warning signs, such as pain, discomfort or blurred vision, nearly half of all people with glaucoma are unaware that they have it.  The best defense is a comprehensive eye exam.

Early Detection Critical to Treating Glaucoma

[KGVID]https://www.ophth.wisc.edu/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/Glaucoma-Jan-2019-.mp4[/KGVID]   Glaucoma is a major cause of vision loss worldwide. It affects more than 3 million people in the United States—nearly half of whom are unaware they have the disease. During Glaucoma Awareness Month …

McLellan Lab Expands Knowledge of Human Glaucoma by Studying Animal Model

  Meet Gillian McLellan, BVMS, PhD, a glaucoma specialist performing important research on glaucoma with the UW School of Veterinary Medicine and Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences. Dr. McLellan’s lab is focused on solving ocular …